Direct Savings

Currently, one Direktsparen Flexibel account can be opened per customer. However, you have the option of opening several Direktsparen Fix accounts.

No, direct savings accounts can only be opened in the name of one person.

The provisions of the German Deposit Guarantee and Investor Compensation Act (ESAEG) apply. Your deposits are protected up to EUR 100,000. You can also find more information under "Deposit Guarantee".

For "Direktsparen Flexibel"customers, the account statement is issued once a year as of December 31. You will be informed of this by e-mail and can view and print out the statement via your personal Direktsparen homepage.

The minimum deposit for the Direktsparen Fix account is EUR 5,000.

The maximum deposit per customer for Direktsparen Flexibel and Direktsparen Fix is EUR 1 million.

Large investments require the separate approval of Porsche Bank.

The Porsche Bank service team will be happy to help you.

Service Hotline: 0800 311 911 (free of charge from all over Austria)

Service: Tel +43 (0)662 4683-3600

Service: Fa +43 (0)662 4683-3332

E-mail: [email protected]

By mail: Porsche Bank AG, Direct Savings Team, P.O. Box 911, 5021 Salzburg, Austria

Our opening hours:

Monday - Thursday 08.00 to 17.00,

Friday 08.00 to 16.00

Frequently asked questions about Direktsparen Flexibel

The Direktsparen Flexibel account is an online savings account. Account creation and ongoing account management are free of charge. This account serves only as a savings account through which you can make deposits from your reference account. Personal payment transactions (e.g. paying bills, direct debit orders, etc.) are excluded.

You can find the current interest rate for Direktsparen Flexibel under Security and Legal in the conditions sheet. The current interest rates are listed here.

Yes, this is possible. Simply set up a standing order from your checking account (= reference account). This allows you to save a fixed amount each month in your Direktsparen Flexibel account.

Deposits and withdrawals can only be made via the reference account you have specified (your account at the house bank). You can make further deposits by transfer order or standing order at any time. Withdrawals are possible online under the menu item "Withdrawal".

Interest is paid once a year (as of December 31) or when the Direktsparen Flexibel account is closed.

Transfers received no later than 4:45 p.m. on a bank working day will be processed with the next booking run on the same day. Transfers received after 4:45 p.m. or on no bank working day will be processed on the following bank working day.

Frequently asked questions about Direktsparen Fix

The Direktsparen Fix account is an online savings account. Account creation and ongoing account management are free of charge. You can invest an amount of your choice (at least EUR 5,000) for a desired term at a fixed interest rate. This interest rate is valid for the entire investment period.

Any private individual who has reached the age of majority and whose primary residence is in Austria can open a Direktsparen Fix account (time deposit). Another requirement is a Direktsparen Flexibel account at Porsche Bank, through which all deposits and withdrawals are booked.

If you do not yet have a Direktsparen Flexibel account, we will automatically open a Direktsparen Flexibel account for you as part of the account opening application for Direktsparen Fix.

You can find the current interest rate for Direktsparen Fix under Security and Legal in the conditions sheet. The current interest rates are listed here.

For a Direktsparen Fix account, you choose the amount of the deposit (minimum EUR 5,000) when you open your account. This cannot be changed during the term. However, you can open another Direktsparen Fix account at any time.

Interest is paid at the end of the term (less cest) or in the event of early termination of the Direktsparen Fix account.

If you do not renew your Direktsparen Fix deposit, your balance will be transferred to your Direktsparen Flexibel account at the end of the term, depending on the disposition you have selected.

Fixed interest means that the interest rate at which the account is opened is guaranteed for the entire term. Even if the savings interest rate decreases or increases.

In principle, your investment is bound to the agreed term and can only be terminated prematurely for important reasons.

If premature termination takes place, a notice period of 31 days must be observed. In addition, we pay interest on the credit balance retroactively from the date of deposit at a rate of 0.01% per annum.

For early termination, we require a written order from you by fax with your signature. You will find the account cancellation form under Forms.

After the commitment period has expired, interest will be paid on your credit balance. We will notify you by e-mail in good time before your investment expires. Up to one day before the end of the term, you can decide whether you want to have your credit balance paid out to your Direktsparen Flexibel account or reinvested.

You can correct the disposition you have chosen at any time - but no later than one day before the end of the term - online in your Direktsparen Fix account under "Change disposition".

You can open several Direktsparen Fix accounts. Please note that the minimum deposit per Direktsparen Fix account is EUR 5,000.

Conditions & Prices

  • Account management
  • Posting lines
  • Account closure
  • Online banking
  • Online account statement
  • Change reference account
  • mTan

Fees apply if your Direktsparen Flexibel account is blocked due to a pledge or probate. The blocking fee is EUR 35.

For security reasons, a change to your reference account and cell phone number is only possible in writing. The change forms are available under Forms. Please send the completed and signed form to Porsche Bank AG, Team Direktsparen, Postfach 911, 5021 Salzburg. We can only accept the change form with an original signature.

However, you are also welcome to send the change to us simply and easily via your e-Postbox.

Frequently asked questions about security

Your data is secured with Porsche Bank's direct savings using the latest encryption technologies. Porsche Bank online banking offers numerous security mechanisms that prevent your personal data from being read or changed by unauthorized persons.

These include:

  • Use of 128-bit SSL encryption
  • PIN procedure
  • automatic disconnection if you are inactive for more than fifteen minutes
  • PIN lockout after four unsuccessful login attempts
  • Data center security system protected by multiple firewalls
  • Security check by a state-approved and authorized test center


  • Firefox as of version 52
  • Google Chrome as of version 55
  • Microsoft Edge as of version 42
  • Safari as of version 10


  • As of iOS 11
  • As of Android 7.0

Using different browsers (e.g. Internet Explorer) or older versions may result in display errors or impaired functionality.

Each customer receives an individual customer number from Porsche Bank, consisting of a maximum of seven digits. This cannot be changed.

The PIN is your personal identification number. It consists of a combination of numbers and letters. Your first PIN has five digits, consists only of digits and is given to you in a separate letter.

The PIN can only be changed online. For security reasons, we recommend that you change the PIN after your initial registration.

The secret question and the secret answer are freely selected by you when you open the account and are stored at Porsche Bank. You can change these at any time. The secret question and its answer are used to identify you in the event of telephone inquiries and are requested from you by our employees.

For your security when banking online, we ask you to keep your PIN secret and never disclose it to third parties. Our employees will also never ask you for your PIN. If you forget your PIN, you can request a new one in the login screen, which we will send to you immediately by mail.

Please contact the Porsche Bank hotline as soon as possible on 0800 311 911. Your Direktsparen Flexibel account will be blocked immediately at your request and you will receive completely new access data for your account.

Outside our office hours, you can initiate a block by entering your password incorrectly four times. The new PIN must be requested in writing (fax, mail, e-mail).

For security reasons and to protect against unauthorized third parties, we recommend that you change your PIN regularly.

You can do this easily in your account under the menu item "Settings". A change is especially important if you are concerned that third parties know your PIN.

mTAN is a TAN procedure for securing online banking. mTAN stands for mobileTAN and is often also called "SMS-TAN". With this procedure, the TAN is sent by SMS to the customer's cell phone number.

For withdrawals, changes to master data, change of PIN, change of secret question and when creating a term deposit. If a transfer is to be initiated via online banking, the bank sends the relevant TAN by SMS to the customer's registered cell phone before the order is completed. The transaction is not initiated until the mTAN received by SMS has been successfully entered.

Online account opening

You are at least 18 years old.

You have your primary residence in Austria.

You are acting on your own account, i.e. you are not opening the account for someone else.

You have an Austrian checking account (reference account) in the name of the same account holder as the direct savings account to be opened.

You have a cell phone for the mTAN procedure

The reference account is a current account at your house bank, which is used for payment processing and payment transactions (Attention: please do not specify savings accounts, profit and loss accounts or similar). Deposits and withdrawals can only be made to or from the specified reference account.

The IBAN (International Bank Account Number) is the international bank account number of your reference account. You need this 20-digit code to open an account. You will find it on every account statement of your reference account or on your ATM card or you can ask your house bank for it. Please enter the IBAN without spaces.

During the legitimation process, Porsche Bank identifies you as a customer. Porsche Bank is obliged to do this for legal reasons.

Für die Legitimierung benötigen wir eine gut leserliche Kopie eines amtlichen Lichtbildausweis. Folgende Ausweisarten akzeptieren wir für die Legitimierung:

  • gültiger Reisepass
  • gültiger Personalausweis

Frequently asked questions about deposit insurance

Die Porsche Bank ist Mitglied der gesetzlichen Sicherungseinrichtung der Einlagensicherung AUSTRIA Ges.m.b.H.

Die Einlagen sind pro Einleger mit einem Höchstbetrag von EUR 100.000,- gesichert.

Die Einlagensicherung gilt immer pro Einleger (natürliche oder juristische Person) unabhängig davon, wie viele Konten oder Sparbücher dieser besitzt.

Es gilt das Einlagensicherungs- und Anlegerentschädigungsgesetz - ESAEG bei beiden Banken bis zu einer Einlagenhöhe von EUR 100.000,-.

Die Einlagensicherung umfasst alle Guthaben auf Konten oder Sparbüchern, wie Gehalts- und Girokonten (z.B. Ihr Referenzkonto), Termingelder (z.B. Direktsparen Fix Konto) oder täglich fälliges Geld (z.B. Direktsparen Flexibel Konto).

Eine Bank ist gesetzlich verpflichtet, eine ununterbrochene Einlagensicherung zu gewährleisten. Daher ist ein Austritt aus der Einlagensicherungsgesellschaft nicht möglich.

Nicht gesichert sind z.B. Guthaben von:

öffentlich-Rechtlichen Institutionen (z.B. Gebietskörperschaften, internat. Organisationen)

anderen Finanzinstituten und Versicherungsunternehmen

Investmentgesellschaften, Pensionsfonds u.Ä.

Electronic mailbox

Ein elektronisches Postfach, in das alle Ihre neu erstellten Dokumente (Direktsparen Fix Kontoantrag mit Anhang, Termingeldbestätigung inkl. Storno oder Jahreskontoauszug) und E-Mails, die wir an Sie senden, gestellt werden.

Sobald ein Direktsparen Fix Kontoantrag samt Anhang, eine Termingeldbestätigung inkl. Storno oder ein Jahreskontoauszug verfügbar sind, werden Sie per E-Mail darüber informiert.

In your ePostbox you have your documents completely collected. These can also be saved separately.

Disposition and interest rate change emails are stored in your ePostbox as well as sent directly to your email address. This way, you can have important information at your disposal immediately and have e-mail messages and documents collected in your ePostbox.

1) Enter as usual via our website

2) In the overview you will find the menu item ePostbox.

3) Click on the ePostbox menu item and follow the instructions.

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