Fleet financing

Leasing is based on a simple idea: you don't buy a vehicle to own it, but to use it for a specific purpose. For this purpose, a vehicle can be leased for a certain term. At the end of the contract, you return the vehicle to Porsche Bank and switch to a new one. As a result, you do not pay the full price of the vehicle, but only the "wear and tear" during the term. You always drive a new and reliable car. Entrepreneurs also have tax advantages.

Contact now

Our services

High coverage amount.

The vehicle legal protection covers you with an insured sum of EUR 70,000.

Assumption of costs in litigation.

We enforce your claims for damages with opposing insurance companies and in court on your behalf. In return, we assume the costs of legal representation after an accident.

Legal Support.

Porsche Insurance covers the agreed costs for asserting and enforcing claims for damages with opposing insurance companies and in court. In addition, criminal defense and representation by a lawyer in proceedings for revocation of the driver's license.

Your advantages with operating leasing

Plannable budget

  • Exactly predictable expenses when choosing a fixed monthly leasing rate

Save taxes

  • Elimination of the obligation to capitalize in the balance sheet (8 years for passenger cars and station wagons)
  • monthly rental fees, which are tax-deductible as operating expenses

Outsourced risk

  • 100% outsourced market value and liquidation risk

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Fahren Sie auf Nummer sicher und schließen Sie die Haftpflicht der Porsche Versicherung ab. Mit einer Deckungssumme von bis zu 15 Millionen Euro sind Sie gegen Ansprüche Dritter optimal geschützt.


Es fühlt sich einfach besser an, wenn man sich auf eine solide Absicherung für sein Fahrzeug verlassen kann. Mit der Vollkasko der Porsche Versicherung erhalten Sie viele Leistungen und noch mehr Service.


Sie wollen einen flexiblen Deckungsumfang und eine einheitliche Prämie? Dann ist die Flottenkasko der Porsche Versicherung genau das Richtige für Sie.

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