Fleet financing

Leasing is based on a simple idea: you don't buy a vehicle to own it, but to use it for a specific purpose. For this purpose, a vehicle can be leased for a certain term. At the end of the contract, you return the vehicle to Porsche Bank and switch to a new one. As a result, you do not pay the full price of the vehicle, but only the "wear and tear" during the term. You always drive a new and reliable car. Entrepreneurs also have tax advantages.

Contact now

One card - flexible services

Depending on the services contracted for your fuel and charging card, you can choose from a variety of fuels and electricity to services and additional products at the fuel and charging stations.

Advantages for your company

✓ Time for your core business: You receive a simple and clear monthly invoice for all fuel and charging cards in your fleet within one petroleum company (OMV, BP, Shell)

✓ Comprehensive security: With your combined fuel and charging card, charging is carried out very simply via the integrated chip. Refueling and other services are performed with a PIN code.

✓ Your price advantage: Thanks to our dense and cross-border quality network, you can refuel and recharge at your price advantage at our partner service stations.

Advantages for your employees

✓ Charging and refueling Pre-financing fuel or charging costs and the hassle of writing statements are a thing of the past. You pay conveniently and cashlessly with your personal fuel and charging card.

✓ One card for all services With your fuel card, you obtain additional services such as oil, car wash, tolls and tunnel fees.

✓ Intelligent charging solution for mixed fleetsWhether electric, hybrid and/or conventional vehicles - we offer our combined fueling and charging card for all fleets with alternative drive types. This provides you, as a fleet customer, with a high-performance charging network covering the entire area

Fuel cards


gültig bei:

  • BP
  • OMV
  • Aral
  • STAT-Oil
  • ENI
  • Turmöl*


valid at:

  • OMV
  • BP
  • Aral
  • Circle-K (vormals STAT-Oil)
  • ENI
  • Avanti in Österreich*
  • DISKONT Tankstellen am HOFER Parkplatz*

* Valid only in Austria


valid at:

  • Shell
  • IQ *
  • Eni

The options for refueling abroad can be seen on the Shell website

Combined fuel and charge cards


valid at:

  • OMV
  • BP
  • Aral
  • Smatrics*
  • ENI
  • Avanti*
  • DISKONT Tankstellen am HOFER Parkplatz*


valid at:

  • BP
  • OMV
  • Aral
  • ENI
  • Turmöl*
  • Hubject
  • Circle K


valid at:

  • Shell
  • IQ *
  • newmotion

* Gültig nur in Österreich

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