Fleet financing

Leasing is based on a simple idea: you don't buy a vehicle to own it, but to use it for a specific purpose. For this purpose, a vehicle can be leased for a certain term. At the end of the contract, you return the vehicle to Porsche Bank and switch to a new one. As a result, you do not pay the full price of the vehicle, but only the "wear and tear" during the term. You always drive a new and reliable car. Entrepreneurs also have tax advantages.

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Tax depreciation

They depreciate the vehicles within the legally stipulated periods (8 years for passenger cars and 5 years for commercial vehicles) and thus form asset items in the balance sheet.

Impact on the balance sheet

The leased asset must be capitalized by the lessee in accordance with international accounting standards (IAS¹/US-GAAP²).

Your advantages with operating leasing

Plannable budget

  • Exactly predictable expenses when choosing a fixed monthly leasing rate

Save taxes

  • Elimination of the obligation to capitalize in the balance sheet (8 years for passenger cars and station wagons)
  • monthly rental fees, which are tax-deductible as operating expenses

Outsourced risk

  • 100% outsourced market value and liquidation risk

Recognized accounting

  • Conformity with IAS¹ or US GAAP²
¹ International Accounting Standards

² United States Generally Accepted Accounting Principles

Operating leasing variants

Operating leasing with fixed lease payments

In the case of operating leasing with a fixed leasing charge, we guarantee you constant conditions throughout the entire term of the contract.

Your advantages:

1) The costs for your fleet can be calculated exactly.

2) You remain flexible in your budget planning at all times.

Residual value leasing with variable charges

With residual value leasing with variable leasing charges, you determine the amount of your leasing conditions together with us.

Your advantages:

  • You benefit from transparent value hedging according to the 3-month EURIBOR.
  • This means that you can always track the adjustment of the fee.

Häufige Fragen zum Restwert-Leasing für Flottenkunden

Die Experten der Porsche Bank bewerten den Restwert Ihrer Leasing-Fahrzeuge auf Basis der vereinbarten Kilometerleistung und Laufzeit entsprechend den aktuellen Marktgegebenheiten. Unsere Erfahrung als Marktführer ermöglicht eine realistische Restwert-Einschätzung.

Bei vereinbarungsgemäßer Nutzungsintensität und einem erwartungsgemäßen Marktverlauf sorgen die professionellen Verwertungsstrukturen der Porsche Bank für ein geringstmögliches Restwertrisiko des Kunden und ein reibungsloses Vertragsende.

Ein Restwert Leasing-Vertrag kann von Ihnen jederzeit schriftlich gekündigt werden. Die Differenz zwischen Auflösungswert und Gebrauchtwagenerlös wird mit Ihnen verrechne

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